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Burn Lab Pro® supports all weight control programs that include healthy diet and regular exercise. Burn Lab Pro® is customized, however, to optimize the fat-loss and muscle-gain results of fasted training.
Fasted training refers to training on an empty stomach. Some research suggests that while in a fasted state, the body burns more fat during exercise. Fasted training has also been suggested to preferentially promote lipolysis in areas of stubborn visceral fat, such as around the abdomen in men and hips and posterior in women. These fat loss benefits may be attributed to fasting's impact on insulin levels.
When food is consumed, blood sugar (glucose) rises. Insulin is released from the pancreas to manage this blood sugar, helping to convert it for immediate energy and store it (as glycogen) in muscles, fat and the liver as energy for later use. As part of these post-meal functions, insulin increases fat formation of fat while “turning off” lipolysis (fat breakdown).
After food is digested, the body enters a post-absorption state: Blood sugar and insulin levels both return to baseline because the stomach is empty. Exercising in this fasted state creates high energy demands, but the body has no glucose to use as fuel. Instead, during fasting the body burns through its glycogen stores - including visceral fat - to produce energy.
Possible drawbacks of fasted training include a reduction in exercise intensity and increased susceptibility to muscle and protein degradation. Burn Lab Pro® is designed to optimize fasted training results while minimizing these potential fasted training drawbacks.
† Fasted training should only be done under the close supervision of a healthcare professional.
For best results take 2-4 capsules 30 minutes prior to training.
Burn Lab Pro® is designed to be safe for long-term daily use, without the need for cycling. Burn Lab Pro® achieves this by using pure, potent ingredients that are dosed appropriately and in line with clinical research. Burn Lab Pro® clean formula design - free of GMOs, gluten, soy, colorants, preservatives and other additives - is also well-tolerated by the body, and safe for long-term use. Burn Lab Pro® avoids the use of caffeine and stimulants, further strengthening its safety and tolerability profile.
Some fat loss supplements supply caffeine and other stimulants, which may help weight loss but may cause side effects related to blood pressure and heart rate. Burn Lab Pro® is stimulant-free by design. Instead of caffeine, Burn Lab Pro® enhances metabolic performance via non-stimulatory pathways.
NutriGenesis® is a Performance Lab® nutrition technology innovation: Vitamins, minerals and amino acids grown in live cultures at our state-of-the-art lab.
A true biological nutrient form, NutriGenesis® closely mirrors the molecular structure of food nutrients. NutriGenesis® nutrients offer significant advantages over standard nutrient forms.
NutriGenesis® vitamins, minerals and amino acids are bioengineered to be safe, active and highly effective for overall health and performance.
Not all vitamins, minerals and amino acids are the same. There are many nutrient forms, produced with a variety of processes. Some of the most popular nutrient forms available in supplements today include:
Whole Food Concentrates
Whole food vitamin and mineral supplements are sourced from fruits, vegetables, herbs and mushrooms. They include natural cofactors that make food nutrients so easy for the body to absorb and utilize. However, they do require extensive processing and may be made with GMOs, mass agriculture and dirty eco-destructive practices.
Isolated Chemical (USP) Nutrients
Isolated Chemical (USP) is the cheapest vitamin and mineral form found in the most basic multivitamin supplements. This synthetic form chemically alters vitamins and minerals, isolating them from their whole-food cofactors. As a result, Isolated Chemical (USP) nutrients are typically harder to absorb and less effective than whole food nutrients.
Chelated Minerals
In this process, a mineral nutrient (such as iron, calcium, zinc) is bound with a chelator: An organic molecule (often an amino acid) that is large enough to enrobe the mineral. By surrounding the mineral, the chelator protects it against degradation. Chelated nutrients are highly stable and may improve nutrient uptake and utilization.
NutriGenesis® is different from traditional nutrient forms: Bioengineered to be better.
NutriGenesis® are cultured nutrients that replicate the creation of vitamins, minerals and aminos in nature.
NutriGenesis® is based on the work of Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Albert Szent Gyorgy, who theorized that nutrients presented in their naturally grown forms supply cofactors that make them more bioavailable, biologically active and effective than nutrients that are isolated.
In the NutriGenesis® process, single-cell organisms (Lactobacillus probiotics and brewer's yeast) are seeded with micronutrients in a hydroponic growth medium.
The live single-cell organisms “eat” the micronutrients, divide and thrive. As the cultures grow, they produce fresh new NutriGenesis® vitamins, minerals and aminos within a matrix of natural cofactors. This familiar structure is more easily absorbed and utilized by the body.
More on the NutriGenesis® ProcessNutriGenesis® advantages over other forms:
NutriGenesis® is essentially food nutrition. Mirroring food nutrients molecule-by-molecule, our vitamins, minerals and aminos are presented in pure elemental form. Maximum nutrition: Nothing more, nothing less.
Enhanced effectiveness. Because NutriGenesis® nutrients are in food-matrix form, they are recognized by the body as nature-identical -- maximizing nutrient uptake, bioavailability and beneficial activity.
Patented and researched. The patented process behind NutriGenesis® has been shown in research to enhance nutrient absorption and retention (when compared to chemical isolates).
Cleaner and safer. NutriGenesis® is produced in a sterile, tightly controlled lab setting. NutriGenesis® is minimally processed, requiring no pesticides, herbicides or other synthetics associated with some other whole-food nutrients.
Better for the planet: The NutriGenesis® process is clean and efficient, with little carbon footprint or environmental impact - especially when compared to factory farming for phytonutrients and strip mining for minerals.

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7 Clarendon Place, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 5QL, UK.
*The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
**Burn Lab Pro® is designed to be taken in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. Always consult with your doctor before starting any fitness program or any nutritional supplement regimen.